Saturday, August 18, 2018

REALITY CHECK : Nikki Giovanni's "Poem for Aretha" (Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen) ...

1 comment:

  1. if this helps, here's the text:

    Poem for Aretha by Nikki Giovanni

    Cause nobody deals with Aretha—a mother with four children— having to hit the road
    They always say “after she comes home”
    But nobody ever says what it’s like to get on a plane for a three week tour

    The elation of the first couple of audiences, the good
    feeling of exchange, the running on the high
    you get from singing good
    and loud and long telling the world
    what’s on your mind.

    Then comes the eighth show on the sixth day the beginning
    to smell like the plane or bus the if-you-forget-your-toothbrush
    The strangers pulling at you cause they love you but you having no love
    to give back
    The singing the same songs night after night day after day
    and if you read the gossip columns the rumors that your husband
    is only after your fame

    The wondering if your children will be glad to see you and maybe
    the not caring if they are scheming to get
    out of just one show and go just one place where some doe-doe-dupaduke
    won’t say “just sing one song, please!”.

    Nobody mentions how it feels to become a freak
    because you have talent and how
    no one gives a damn how you feel
    but only cares that Aretha Franklin is here like maybe that’ll stop
    chickens from frying eggs from being laid or crackers from hating

    And if you say you’re lonely or tired how they always
    just say “oh come off it” or “did you see
    how they loved you did you see, huh, did you?”
    Which most likely has nothing to do with you anyway
    and I’m not saying Aretha shouldn’t have talent and I’m certainly
    not saying she should quit singing but as much as I love her
    I’d vote “yes” to her doing four concerts a year and staying home or doing whatever
    she wants and making records cause it’s a shame the way we’re killing her.

    We eat up artists like there’s going to be a famine at the end
    of those three minutes when there are in fact an abundance
    of talents just waiting let’s put some of the giants away for a while and deal with them like they have a life to lead.

    Aretha doesn’t have to relive Billie Holiday’s life
    Doesn’t have to relive Dinah Washington’s death but who will
    stop the pattern?

    She’s more important than her music—if they must be separated—
    and they should be separated when she has to pass out before
    anyone recognizes she needs a rest

    And I say I need Aretha’s music
    She is undoubtedly the one who put everyone on notice.
    She revived Johnny Ace and remembered Lil Green.
    Aretha sings “I say a little prayer” and Dionne doesn’t want to hear it anymore
    Aretha sings “money won’t change you” but James can’t sing “respect”
    The advent of Aretha pulled Ray Charles from Marlboro Country and back into the blues
    Made Nancy Wilson try one more time
    Forced Dionne to make a choice (she opted for the movies)
    and Diana Ross had to get an Afro wig
    Pushed every Black singer into his Blackness and Negro entertainers
    into Negroness

    You couldn’t jive when she said “you make me feel”
    The Blazers had to reply “gotta let a man be a man”

    Aretha said “when my soul was in the lost and found, you came along to claim it”
    And Janis Joplin said “maybe”
    There has been no musician whom her very presence hasn’t
    affected when Humphrey wanted her to campaign for him she said “Woman’s only human”
    And he pressured James Brown
    They removed Otis cause the combination was too strong
    The Impressions had to say “Lord have mercy, we’re moving on up”
    The Black songs started coming from the singers on stage and the dancers in the streets

    Aretha was the riot, was the leader
    If she had said “come let’s do it” it would have been done
    Temptations say why don’t we think about it
    Why don’t we think about it
    Why don’t we think about it

    -Nikki Giovanni
